moji what?
mojimaker is a small plastic tool used to cut fruits and other produce into emojis and other fun shapes. They’re best used on already-balled melon or other fruits, and come with a melon baller as well. It’s ideal for kids ages 3 and up when playing with an adult or 6 and up for full, independent use.
You’re busier than ever. You still want the best for your children. A healthy upbringing isn’t determined only by the foods we put in our bodies. It’s also about trust and connection and fun.
How to buy a mojimaker
mojimaker is available for purchase on our website right here. It’s also available at Niagara Produce stores in Summer 2018.
“When Jenna and I were creating mojimaker, we thought we were making a fun little gadget. But what we really created was a new ritual. Playing with your kids is fun. So is playing with your food.”